Need a taxi in Saint Kitts and Nevis?

Download SKNCABS to Book a taxi on demand!

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About us

SKNCabs is a simple application that will ​provide an innovative, seamless, ​convenient, cashless way for users to ​book or schedule transportation services ​from our registered operations.

The duo of apps include SKNCabs and ​SKNCabsDrivers which complement ​each other to connect passengers with ​drivers through an efficient platform.


Drivers will use this application to ​register to provide their service Once ​registered, drivers can indicate their ​availability, accept bookings and ​send notifications on the status of the ​ride.


Coming soon to:

  • iOS
  • Android


Customers will use this application to ​register using their phone number or ​email address. Once registered, ​customers can book taxi services in St ​Kitts and Nevis 24/7. The application will ​notify you on the status of the driver and ​the trip.

Main FeAtures

SKNCABS aims to provide the best service by offering:

GPS Tracking Technology

Live tracking of ​drivers


Advances and immediate booking options

Online Payment 3d
Multiple Destinations Icon

Secure payment ​gateways

Multiple stops for ride sharing

Pricing Information

Immediate booking

  • Your driver will be based on availability
  • A pre-calculated total cost will be provided
  • Cashless payments only

Priced by distance

Scheduled booking

  • Your driver will be based on availability
  • Pricing based on distance travelled
  • Driver reserves the right to cancel

Priced by distance

specific services

  • Island Tours
  • Excursions
  • Taxi specific services

Priced by the st kitts - NEVIS tourism authority

All cancellations are subject to a cancellation fee

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Coming soon to:

  • iOS
  • Android
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How to

sign up

as a driver

contact us

138 Pond’s Extension


St Kitts